latest news

Next Who-tribute gig in Florence (italy) at Virgin Rock Pub on Oct, 14

As we were asked to make an acoustic tribute to the Who (as we are big fans) in occasion of the release of the book byAntonio Pellegrini, we'll be on stage at Gallery16 in Bologna on 12/9/22!

Don't worry, the band didn't break up, we're just well stored in the freezer ;)

A collection of Phono Emergency Tool songs has been released just now, you can find there most of the tracks of the 3 albums

We're proud to announce that we've been selected for the Arezzo Wave final and we'll be on stage on May the 25th in Ravenna (Italy)

We've been selected by Arezzo Wave contest and we'll perform in Cesena, at Magazzino Parallelo on May, the 9th, stay tuned!
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